Thursday, April 29, 2010

(4) 100%正品 美国 LEPTIN 瘦身咖啡


~超强减肥咖啡:只减脂肪,不节食! 明显控制食欲!7天见效,效果显著。
~爱美的mm ,大肚腩的GG,刚生完BB的新妈咪,不要错过哦!
~每天只需早餐前服 用一包,就可轻松回复苗条身材!



1. 减肥咖啡要在清晨空腹喝,因为空腹喝的效果很好哦!过后一定要吃早餐,要吃饱吃好,但是要清淡!

2. 一定要多喝水,有助燃脂的功效。饮用咖啡30-40分钟后,血液中的脂肪酸浓度会变高,这时配合适量的运动,可将脂肪酸转变成热能,有效燃烧脂肪。

3. 一般在第一个星期开始是排掉多余的水分,接下来就开始减脂肪了噢~~而且是前期慢后期快。

4. 减肥咖啡,当然是咖啡,所以有提神的功效,不要在晚上喝。最好是在早上喝,可以保持一天充沛的体力!

5. 减肥咖啡不是药,也不是保健品,它是健康饮品,所以可以放心使用。正因为不是药,不是保健品,因此它的减肥速度不是一天就能见效的噢!本品是通过茶多酚、食物纤维让体内不易形成脂肪!它不是抑制食欲,而是通过改善肠胃,让大家恢复正常的饮食习惯!每天三餐还是会想吃饭,但是一般来说一小半碗饭就会很饱了。所以本品跟那些通过抑制人体食欲的产品截然不同噢!减肥咖啡是通过改变胖mm的生活习惯,饮食习惯,然后阻止脂肪形成,促进燃烧脂肪的原理来让我们轻松减肥的!








3、有轻微肠胃疾病的客户在服用产品如出现恶心情况,建议饭后服用产品;严 重胃病及溃疡者、孕妇、哺乳期禁用;



♥ 简介 ♥

自美国的极速烧脂减肥咖啡劲量消脂 配方,全效分解脂肪,服用量少,对人体无毒副作用,燃烧体内多余脂肪。每天只需早餐前服用一包,就可轻松回复 苗条身材!

♥ 功 效 ♥

* 加强脂肪分解
* 促进脂肪燃烧
* 阻止脂肪合成
* 促进体内环保



爱美的mm ,大肚腩的GG,刚生完BB的新妈咪,不要错过哦!



•加强脂肪分解 •促进脂肪燃烧
•阻止脂肪合成 •促进体内环保

[适用范围] : 单纯性肥胖、青春期肥胖、产后肥胖


• 本品并非治疗或预防之药物,效果、进度和反应因人而异
• 所有人士不宜长期进行减肥,应注意均衡饮食及作适量运动
• 减肥期间如发现体重下降过快,可减半量服用

• 长者、小孩及长期病患如心脏病患者
• 孕妇及授乳妇女
• 患上伤风感冒、发烧等人士应待康复后重新服用

【规格】 每盒有18包,每包可调配成100ml 的咖啡。

【用法】 只需每日早晨热水80-100ml冲咖啡饮用1包(剛開始使用者在第一個星期先飲用一天1/2包),助你轻松燃 烧卡路里.

消除体内积聚的脂肪,有持续饱肚感, 减少吃零食习惯。



本店产品都是纯天然的,无副作用,不会腹泻。剛剛第一次用該產品的人提議在第一個星期先飲用一天1/2 包,這個期間是讓人體先適應該產品,過後第二個星期開始一天飲用1包。 大部分人会感到口渴,这 是正常的。因为燃烧脂肪需要消耗大量水分,您只要多喝水,补充充足的水分就可以了。


" 生热"指在体内自行燃烧脂肪,是一种自然又安全的减肥方法。它通过抑制脂肪的合成,促进脂肪酸的燃烧,减少食物的摄入,三位一体,达到瘦身的减肥的作用。

美国leptin三合一美体咖啡是如何在人体内“诱导生热”的生活中当我们摄入的能量超过体内所需时,人体吸收的碳水化合物会被分解为柠檬酸盐的混合物,接着被柠檬酸裂解酶催化生成乙酰辅酶A也就是脂肪合成的中间体。 “强效减肥咖啡”通过抑制细胞中柠檬酸裂解酶的活性和阻断乙酰辅酶A形成,脂肪的合成就得到抑制并促进脂肪酸的燃烧。另外,多余的碳水化合物在“强效减肥咖啡”的作用下无法转变为脂肪,它们将以糖元的形式贮存在肝脏中,通过人体的运动被燃烧掉(氧化)。


美国“Leptin"瘦の素三位一体瘦身咖啡香浓味美。咖啡中的咖啡因,具有促进脂肪分解的作用,将脂肪释放在血中,饮用咖啡30-40分钟后,血液中的脂肪酸浓度会变高,这时适量运动,可将脂肪酸转变成热能,有效燃烧指肪。 来自美国的三合一美体咖啡劲量消脂配方,全效分解脂肪,服用量少,对人体无毒副作用,燃烧体内多余的脂肪,火速减磅。 每天只需要在早餐前服用一包,就可以轻松恢复苗条身材!

主要减肥原理:藤黄果提取物,有效成分是HCA,HCA的全称是:hydroxycitric acid,中文名叫羟基柠檬酸。是一种名为藤黄果(Garcinia Cambogia) 的天然提取物,有西药原料明确的化学成分和减肥机理。它通过抑制脂肪的合成,促进脂肪酸的燃烧,减少食物的摄入,三位一体,达到瘦身减肥的作用。是一种不可多得的,目前减肥效果最理想、最健康的减肥保健原料。在欧美是减肥瘦身保健品的首选原料。

Leptin Green Slimming Coffee --- Natural Slimming Coffee
Natural Slimming Coffee, Best Herbal Slimming Formula
100% natural and herbal
easy-to-use & powerful
Suppresses appetite safely

Natural Antioxidant and Weight Loss Enhancer

Green Coffee 800 formula is a "drug-free" dietary supplement that was developed from a blend of herbal extracts. When used with a healthy diet plan, Green Coffee 800 curbs your appetite and stimulates your body to burn fat and calories.

The herbal extracts and minerals used in this product have been gathered from all over the world to make this all natural diet supplement. Green coffee contains the anti-oxidant qualities necessary to cause thermogenesis which increase the metabolism of fat. Chromium and vanadium increase carbohydrate burn and metabolic rate, and panax. Ginseng helps to maintain energy levels while dieting. Another ingredient, heartleaf starts the fat burning process while curbing the appetite.

The ingredient Chromium dinicotinate glycinate plays an important role in the production of insulin, controlling hunger, and in metabolism. Ginseng helps to maintain energy level while dieting. Green Tea Leaf extract is a major antioxidant that increases mental awareness and helps diminish appetite, also can lower cholesterol level and reduce amount of harmful cholesterol. EGCG-Epigallocatechin gallate is most powerful natural antioxidant superior to Vit C and Vit E. It may provide health effects by protecting our cells from oxidative damage from free radicals. A number of chronic disease have been associated with free radical damage, including cancer, arteriosclerosis, heart diseases and accelerated aging.

70 mg calcium
250 mg chromium ( as chromium dinicotinate Glycinate)
700 mg Propietary Herbal Blend:
Green tea leaf standardized extract (180 mg antioxidant polyphenols,90 mg epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), 50 mg naturally occurring caffeine, Asian Panax Ginseng root standardized.)

Directions: Take one pack a day in the mid-morning with 100ml hot water (serve as traditional instant coffee). Recommended minimum of 2 litres of water per day.

Contents: 18 packs of green coffee 800 in a factory sealed box (a 18 day supply)

Usage: 1bag/day

Indications: Serve as traditional instant coffee

Suitable Population: For simply obesity, post partum fat, and people who want to keep fit.

Suitable Age: 18-60 Years Old

Precaution: Not for pregnant or breast-feeding women, cardiovascular disease and stroke patients.

*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Product Details:

Green coffee 800 Formula is a "drug-free" dietary supplement developed from a blend of herbal extracts. When used with a healthy diet plan, Green coffee800 helps your body to burn fat and calories. The herbal extracts and minerals used in this product were gathered around the world to make this diet supplement natural. Green coffee 800 contains anti-oxidant qualities necessary to cause thermo genesis that increases metabolism of fat. Chromium and Vanadium increase the burning of carbohydrates and metabolic rate. Panax Ginseng helps maintain energy levels while dieting. Another ingredient, Heartleaf, starts the process of burning fat while maintaining your appetite.

Green Coffee 800 is made from 100% top-quality green coffee beans , which means that you can easily fit this into your morning schedule.

Green Coffee 800 is created from the highest quality green coffee beans, which help to reduce the absorption of sugar from the food you eat. This in turn cuts down on the number of calories taken up by the body, thus forcing the body to look for other sources of energy and the most obvious one is stored body fat。


Not Suitable for use:

*By children under 16 years of age,
*Those suffering from cardiac conditions,
*High blood pressure or diabetes.
*Not recommended during pregnancy or for nursing mothers.
*Limit use to 1 (one) sachet per day.
*If there is any sensitivity to this product, please consult your health care professional.Consult your physician before starting any weight loss management programme.


These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, or to make any claims. As individuals differ, results of this product may differ, even when taking the same dosage. Always consult your health care physician before starting any detoxicated or dietary program.

From American Leptin Pharmaceuticals Limited ,we sincerely wish you all the success in your life! Your health is our success!

American Leptin Pharmaceuticals Limited is an enterprise integrating production, research and development which professionally engaged in health care product with high reputation for many years.

All the products are 100% natural and strictly tested by lab with certificate. The slimming formula is exclusive with great slimming effect, nobody can copy it.

It's really works on people which already proved by many good response.

Green coffee 800 is very popular worldwide nowadays. Please beware of the fake ones in the market.

The packing of them might be the same, but the powder is different, no slimming effect, some even might harm to healthy.

We can assure that the product you get is 100% original. Its more secure to buy from us.

Please kindly note that our products are packaged in high standard, plastic sealed with anti-counterfeit label on it.

Medical Research Results

In November 1999 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of a study at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. Researchers there found that people who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories then those given only caffeine.


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