Thursday, April 29, 2010

(3) Eumora护肤系列

Eumora是关于自然知道最好的。 这是增强组合
3分钟,用水冲洗过的。 欣赏影响eumora
调节皮肤在镜子,因为它继续在整个一天。 “
Eumora也可作为有效的洗发水和剃须泡沫。 H型马,或
和滋润皮肤细胞。 藻类一直被认为是一个丰富,维生素,天然来源的抗氧化剂,微量元素
矿物质和氨基酸脂肪,更是基本的生产和glucids帮助滋 润

水化微藻因子 -
(微藻因子)是制定了一个世界知名的制药专利由一家欧洲公司的湖泊的水,新鲜的来自夏威夷的微藻培养的。 它包括一个组件,类似于透明质酸吸收结构的三维网状结构,湿气艾滋病研究。

是一种独特的活性成分浓度自然,微藻提取的精华。 它是一种有效的保湿剂,可以帮 助加强皮肤的防御机制。 它有着深刻的和持久的保湿作 用,同时加强肌肤防御屏障的素质,从而非常柔软和亮度。此外, 压力是富含维生素B1,B2,B12及烟碱酸,可以增加皮肤的能源和保护皮肤的逗留远离各种皮肤。由于其绝对的兼容性,它不会刺激,并提供所有类型的水分 皮肤在所有气候。
摩尔是一个罕见的草药的形式逐 步转变创造丰富的泥炭营养,植物和花卉的地下已经或永久淹没在水下。 摆脱影响氧气的衰减和正确的气 候和生物条件下,植物物质转化过程经历了数千年一'成熟,产生均匀的黑暗物质称为莫尔。

在这个'熟'的过程中,所有植物都内的物质保留在摩尔人,财产造成奇妙的草药治疗复杂的。 在过去的60年里,一对莫尔的财富进行治疗临床研究已证实,穆尔也拥有一种广泛的有利特性。 事实上,医生数以百计的欧洲现在使用,并建议莫尔治疗。


Peurafirm是一种安全,有效的胸围加强奶油,制定与沥青混合料,葛根米保湿精华微藻和植物营养素 ,振兴,音调和改进皮肤纹理给你一个美丽的乳沟,自然。

成份:水,葛根Mirifica根提取物,矿物油,丙二醇,十六醇,环,甘油,Ceteareth - 6,硬脂酸,Diazolidinyl尿素,马尾提取维生素E醋酸酯,卡波姆,积雪草提取物,黄瓜果实提取物,三乙醇胺,尿囊素,香水,海藻提取物(沥青 混合料),乙二胺四乙酸四钠。

效益/效 果护肤Eumora酒吧
- 紧致毛孔及面部关闭了
- 谈化色素及雀斑
- 医治妊娠纹
-移除污 点由于存款的死细胞
- 深层清洁
-去除毒 素自由基与你的脸,它用和补充
-油性皮肤变得越来越少油性及 干性皮肤干燥
- 每洗注入新活力像'水疗的治疗你的脸
- 给你的脸自然,健康的粉红色的光芒
-让您的肌肤感觉光滑,公平的 婴儿
- 快速,有效和安全
-参见 在3分钟内出结果 ,并继续在您的皮肤在一天,直到下次使用!
• 粉刺
• 抗衰老老年斑
• 胎记
• 脂肪
• 化学去皮
• 暗眼环
• 干性皮肤
• 湿疹
• 雀斑
• 皱纹
• 生殖器疣
• 脱发
• 大孔
• 黄褐斑
• 指甲问题
• 油性皮肤
• 色素沉着
• 疤痕
• 蜘蛛静脉
• 皮肤生长的
• 皮肤癌
• 皮肤松弛
• 皮疹
• 妊娠纹
• 太阳黑子
• 手心出汗
• 腋下多汗
• 肤色不均
• 静脉曲张
• 皱纹

About Eumora (European Eumora Moor with Algae)
Eumora is about nature knows the best. It is enhanced by the combination
of Hma (Hydration microalgae) which extracted from the algae and
Heilmoor clay, the formulated ingredient where it is 100% imported
from Europe.This product is suitable for all type of skins included
sensitive, allergic etc.Eumora is formulated for daily use to cleanse
tone, and moisturize the skin for a brighter, refreshed result.
All you have to do is work the eumora facial bar into lather, gently
tap (not massage) to the skin, leave it on to permeate your skin for
3 minutes and wash off with water. Admire the effects of eumora
conditioned skin in the mirror, as it continues throughout the day. ”
Eumora is also effective as a shampoo and shaving foam. H-ma, or
hydro microalgae, is a special complex extracted from algae
developed in Europe for application to the skin to help rejuvenate
and moisturize skin cells. Algae have long been known as a rich, natural source of anti-oxidants, vitamins, trace
minerals and amino acids which are essential in the production of lipids and glucids to help moisturize and more
importantly help provide essential nutrition to promote skin recovery and regeneration.
Now, everyone can have beautiful skin!


(MicroAlgae factor) is formulated from a world-renowned pharmaceutical patent by a European company, derived from microalgae cultivated in the Hawaiian fresh water lakes. It includes a component that is similar to the structure of hyaluronate 3D mesh structure, which aids in moisture absorption.

is an unique concentration of natural active ingredients, extracted from the essence of MicroAlgae. It is an effective hydrating agent and can help in strengthening the mechanisms of skin defense. It has deep and lasting moisturizing effects while strengthening the defense qualities of the skin barrier, thus giving extraordinary softness and brightness. In addition, is rich in Vitamins B1, B2, B12 and niacin which can increase the skin’s energy and protect the skin to stay away from all kinds of pressure. With its absolute compatibility with the skin, it doesn’t irritate, and provides moisture for all types of skin in all climate.
Moor is a rare form of nutrient-rich peat created by the gradual transformation of herbs, plants & flowers which have been permanently submerged under water or underground. Free from the decaying effects of oxygen and in the correct climatic and biological conditions, the plant matter undergoes a ‘ripening’ transformation process over thousands of years to produce a homogeneous dark substance called Moor.

During this ‘ripening’ process, all the substances within the plants are retained in the Moor, resulting in a herbal complex with wonderful therapeutic properties. For the past 60 years, a wealth of clinical studies conducted on Moor therapy has confirmed that Moor does posses a wide range of beneficial properties. In fact, hundreds of European physicians now use and recommend Moor treatments.

Peurafirm Breast Enhancement

Peurafirm is a safe and effective bust enhancing cream, formulated with Hma , the moisturising essence of microAlgae and the phyto-nutrients of pueraria m. , to rejuvenate, tone and refine skin texture to give you a beautiful cleavage, naturally .

Ingredients: Water, Pueraria Mirifica Root Extract, Mineral Oil, Propylene Glycol, Cetyl Alcohol, Cyclomethicone, Glycerine, Ceteareth-6, Stearic Acid, Diazolidinyl Urea, Horsetail Extract Tocopheryl Acetate, Carbomer, Centella Asiatica Extract, Cucumber Fruit Extract, Triethanolamine, Allantoin, Fragrance, Algae Extract ( Hma ), Tetra Sodium EDTA.

Benefit / Effect Skin Care Eumora Bar
- Tightens & closes up facial pores
- Heals acne, pimples, rashes, itchiness
- Lightens scars with prolonged use
- Remove blackheads & whiteheads without extractions
- Lightens pigmentation & freckles
- Reduce eye bags & dark circles
- Heals stretch mark
- Remove black marks due to deposit of dead cells
- Helps cure eczema problems
- Deep cleansing
- removes free radicals & toxins from your face, and replenishes it with the
right nutrients
- Lift & firm (tightening) up the skin (Reduce appearance of wrinkles too!)
- Natural moisturising effect on your face after every wash
- Brings balance to skin
- oily skin becomes less oily and dry skin less dry
- Every wash rejuvenates your face like a 'spa' treatment
- Gives your face a natural, healthy pinkish radiance
- Makes your skin feel baby smooth and fairer
- Fast, effective & safe
- Works equally well as a shampoo and conditioner as it helps scalp become
and helps
hair to become soft and shiny
- May also be used as an aftershave for a smoother shave
- Suitable for all skin types, even if you have ultra sensitive skin
- Save money on toner, moisturizer, facial & makeup!
- See RESULTS IN 3 MINUTES and continues to work on your skin throughout the day and until the next use!

• Acne
• Antiaging Age Spots
• Birthmarks
• Cellulite
• Chemical Peel
• Dark Eye Rings
• Dry Skin
• Eczema
• Freckles
• Frown Lines
• Genital Warts
• Hair Loss
• Large Pore
• Melasma
• Nail Problems
• Oily Skin
• Pigmentation
• Scars
• Spider Veins
• Skin Growths
• Skin Cancers
• Skin Laxity
• Skin Rash
• Stretchmarks
• Sun Spots
• Sweaty Palms
• Sweaty Underarms
• Uneven Skin Tone
• Varicose Veins
• Wrinkles

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